Well, it's not really a tattoo. This picture was posted on,
Mad pair of tattoos
Now THAT'S a Tattoo
10 Tattoos You'll Never Get Laid With
Photo gallery: MusInk Tattoo Convention and Music Festival at Fair Park
Photo gallery: MusInk Tattoo Convention and Music Festival at Fair Park
Kategorie: Tattoo Bilder / Tag: bilder, Extreme, motive, Scarification,
how many tattoos do you have on your body? are you the tattoo mad?
Does anyone know what the tattoo says?
dragon tattoo by ~Pallat on deviantART

Create tribal tattoo lettering, old english tattoo
UV tattoo ink
The latest in the craze of tattoos pushing
Two Indonesian job seekers have been fooled into having their faces tattooed
The Ramblings of a Mad Man!: Anatomy Tattoos
Tattoo Doubles
Also seen along the beach were plenty of tattoos. I wasn't packing my camera